Sunday, 14 December 2014

Term 4. Weeks 4 -10

We need to update our class blog. Term 4 has been such a busy term with lots of activities and new experiences to be enjoyed!

We have welcomed two new students to our classroom.
"Welcome Fred".
"Welcome Kaewa Li"

Ms Diane is very pleased with the effort all of the children in Room 4 have put into their maths, writing and reading work. Not to mention handwriting and topic studies. We have also learnt new sports and games skills.
Ms Diane sends out a big "thank you" to all the families for supporting their children and her in their learning.  All children have been reading and learning at home as well. Their book bags have been returned every morning. Ms Diane can not emphasise enough that by supporting your children at home in their learning, this can make a big difference in the progress they make at school.

Here are some photos of some of the other things we did this term.
We now have a sand tray in our classroom which is very popular.

A few outside fun things.
Making bubbles on the field.
Sports Day 

School trip to Waikanae pools

Making our paper mache boxes in class

The Room 4 children and Ms Diane would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday.

"Happy New Year and see you all in 2015".

Monday, 27 October 2014

Term 4. Weeks 1 & 2

It's already two weeks into Term 4.

We all need to wear sunhats now so make sure you keep one at school or bring your hat each day.

We welcomed Ximena to our class in Week 2. Ximena is learning to speak English as her home language is Spanish. 
            "Welcome to Room 4 Ximena".

Also, we have completed our calendar pictures and they can be ordered up until Friday 31st October. They make great presents for Christmas. You can order a calendar or a pack of 8 cards with your picture on the front. Our pictures are on display in class if you would like to come and see them.

         Calendars or a pack of 8 cards are $10 each. This is also a fundraiser for our school.

We have two new areas in our classroom. We have a writing table that can be used before school and during class time when we have completed our worktasks.
We have a 'cave' that we can use to play in, to complete work task activities in or just to sit in when we feel like being on our own.
This coming week Room 4 is taking the school assembly on Friday afternoon. Be lovely to see you all there.


Sunday, 12 October 2014

Week 9 & 10

Wow! A whole Term has passed and holidays are almost over.
Ayesha-Storm joined our classroom in Week 9. 
                      Welcome to Ayesha-Storm. 
The last two weeks of Term 3 were action packed. Here are some pictures to share some of the things we did.

The Maraeroa 5+ a Day Food Market was a great evening and all the classes made delicious food.
Making our Fruit Kebabs for selling at the market.

                                          Getting our stall ready.

Selling our Fruit Kebabs.

                                              The Fun Ferns
We had four sessions of learning new skills and then playing our own netball game with Room 1.
                                                      Ayesha-Storm was the goal keeper!

In Maths we have been learning about halves so what better way to understand what a half means.......we made ourselves half a pizza!

                      Preparing our pizzas.

Waiting for the pizzas to be cooked.

                    Finally the wait is over and we can eat our 'half pizza!'

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Week 8

We have had another busy week in Room 4 and here are a
few photos to show some of the things we have been doing.

Adam, Pati and Te Pora
busy at Maths time ordering, counting and matching numbers1 to 20.

 We loved using our new Tablets at Maths time!

Next week we are having the 'Maraeroa 5+ a Day Food Market'
We have looked on the Internet and we have decided to make Fruit Kebabs. They look delicious!

Here we are having a practice making our Fruit Kebabs.

Noah made the biggest kebab and Alex made the smallest kebab!

 Come to our Fruit Kebab stall next Wednesday and try our scrumptious, healthy kebabs!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Weeks 5,6,7

It is already the end of Week 7. We now have two new five year olds who have joined our class. Welcome to Pati and Denzel. 
Everyday so many new things are happening in our classroom.
We are learning lots of new songs with Room 1 & 2 and sometimes Ms Diane has to ask us not to keep singing when we are concentrating on our work tasks!  
We have been learning our alphabet letters and sounds and are able to read many new words. We are using all this knowledge when we write our stories. Maths is fun with new games to play.
Next week we will be using our new Tablets [similar to i-pads]. We have four allocated to our class and these will be great to do extra activities on. 
 Our Health topic is interesting and we are looking forward to making our Fruit Kebabs to sell at our stall. The 'Maraeroa Food Market' will be a fun night [Tuesday 17th September, 5 - 6.30 pm].

                                           The "OK Crew' Hip Hop group came to perform
                                           and taught us some new moves!      

We had a wonderful day at the zoo. We got to stroke a hedgehog and a lizard and we watched the pigs and the chimpanzees being fed.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Week 4

Our Letters of the Week were 'Cc' and 'Kk' so we just had to make chocolate cup cakes!


We all ran outside when we heard the hailstones and for a short time all the playground had turned white!

In Room 4 we have been talking about our School Values and what they mean. We have made some new displays on the wall to remind us. Two of our school values are Effort and Perseverance and High Expectations. We also talked about showing Respect  and looking after our classroom. We now each have jobs to do so that our classroom is well looked after.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Week 3

 It was Cook Island Language Week. Tua made us lemon tea.


Tua is grating the coconut, to make coconut milk to add to the tea.

We drank tea and ate Cook Island bread with Rooms 1,2 & 3.

Maths time!


Week 2

We were all given new slipper socks. They are keeping our feet warm in the Winter!

We talked about things we liked to eat and then we made banana ice cream.