Sunday 14 December 2014

Term 4. Weeks 4 -10

We need to update our class blog. Term 4 has been such a busy term with lots of activities and new experiences to be enjoyed!

We have welcomed two new students to our classroom.
"Welcome Fred".
"Welcome Kaewa Li"

Ms Diane is very pleased with the effort all of the children in Room 4 have put into their maths, writing and reading work. Not to mention handwriting and topic studies. We have also learnt new sports and games skills.
Ms Diane sends out a big "thank you" to all the families for supporting their children and her in their learning.  All children have been reading and learning at home as well. Their book bags have been returned every morning. Ms Diane can not emphasise enough that by supporting your children at home in their learning, this can make a big difference in the progress they make at school.

Here are some photos of some of the other things we did this term.
We now have a sand tray in our classroom which is very popular.

A few outside fun things.
Making bubbles on the field.
Sports Day 

School trip to Waikanae pools

Making our paper mache boxes in class

The Room 4 children and Ms Diane would like to wish you all a lovely Christmas and a safe and enjoyable holiday.

"Happy New Year and see you all in 2015".